Saturday 16 April 2016

Spontaneus spectacles

Impulse buying is awesome. It's the ultimate test of your intuition and instinct. It's not for everyone, heading straight for the checkout with minimal time for deliberation would cause angina-esque symptoms for some. Do I really need it? What if I change my mind? Can I afford it? Maybe I should write a list of pros and cons? Does my bum look big? Bollocks to that. There's nowt as liberating as a spontaneous purchase.

So in the spirit of not thinking twice, I've just bought myself new specs, not because I need 'em or needed to get rid of 300 quid, but because I bloody love the frames. Love is all you need. And here they are in all their selfie glory.

(The jacket's new too, a bargalicious Asos purchase. On a whim obvs)

I'm so not bothered about designer gear but these ones just happen to be Gucci. Most importantly they're plastic but with proper nose pads. A very rare find. They could've been Happy Shopper and I would've bought them still, such is the plight of a flat nosed person. Hardly any plastic frames fit because of the lack of a sizeable nose bridge. I bought my current ones in Seoul last year, I figured my fellow ethnic origin men would experience similar issues and the range of frames would be designed accordingly. My assumption paid off, I struck gold in the Gangnam area, plastic frames with much heftier moulded nose pads for less than a tenner. Gangnam style, minus sexy ladies and silly dance moves.

The new specs are the 4th pair I've bought in 4 years, all thanks to having a sister who manages an optician's. Family discount innit. Unfortunately (for me, brilliant for her) my sister's departing the ophthalmology trade to take over the store management of a craft shop so I don't reckon I'll make it 5 in 5 years. But I might just take up crocheting and origami if the price is right.

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